Art by: Cassie AKA Dead
I was a creative writer before I was a skilled artist. However I took a brake from writing to work on becoming an artist as I wanted to impact the world much like it had been impacting me. I didn't want to have to one day hire an artist, so I set out on learning art. I never felt like it came natural to me but I was determined to learn. In 2005 I attended college and got my BA in Media Arts and Animation. I worked for others professionally but none of the freelance work or studio work fer-filed my hunger to change the world. I knew that was with in my stories in which I have spent a life time in writing. I still hungered to work on my own passion projects. In 2018 I released my first print of my comic WarDreams, a comic that I had written and redrawn over 15 years, and found myself searching for an audience. I found myself on twitch and built a wonderful community of artists.
In 2022 I quite my full time job to pursue just art but found myself called more towards my spiritual gifts which had been my original drive to change the world in the first place. I feel called to do both and I know that some people may not like this decision but I can feel that change can happen on both fronts and some people may resonate more with one than the other. A lot of my art is becoming more spiritual as I answer that calling and I look forward to getting more of my comic done, releasing several books in which I am writing and change the world in my own unique way. If you would like to help me creating and spreading waves of change feel free to become to patron, support my artwork through my shop or book a medium-ship appointment with me. I appropriate you if you are reading this as that is support as well. Love you all