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"A Promise to Keep Growing"

I will never stop growing no matter the situation that I am in. I will see all of my expereinces as lessons and learn all that I can from this life. I will fight for the balance, for love and to become the best version of me possible. I will take flight while remaining open to transformation and in doing so may I reach the height of my current possible enlightenment. Like the phases of the moon we will have our dark days as well as our light ones. Through these percieved ups and downs, I know this too shall pass, I hold present awareness of both. I will hold graditude for those things I consider light and hold greater appreciation when things are consumed in darkness... For without dark days I may not have the contrast to hold full awareness of my light ones. Also like the phases of the moon we have days in between, days of gray. I must see the light instead of focusing on the dark within my days. This light is hope and I promise to never lose hope! I will become like the "MOTH" and I will fight the light within the darkness, in order to take my journey form this life to the next.

Dagaz Moth - Hard Enamel Pin - DeadOn Studios

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